KAO Location

Buildings are located in Bairiki

20180529 123915  20180529 124330 

KAO currently occupies two separate offices, one is a portion of the MFED building and the other is a building adjacent to the PSC office.

HEAD OFFICE (At MFED Top Floor Entrance towards Betio):  GROUND FLOOR OFFICE (Adjacent to PSC & near OAG): 

 - Auditor General Office
 - Registry & Admin Services
 - State Owned Enterprise Audit Section
 - Central Government Audit Sections (Ministries & Treasury)
 - Local Government Audit Section
 - Projects and NGOs Audit Section
 - ICT Support & Audit Section

 - Official Documents Archive
 - Office Hardware Storage
 - ICT Offsite backup

Map Directions:

bairiki knao map

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.



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